Your body holds
the answers

Take the guesswork out of healing

Get the full body scan GET THE FULL BODY SCAN

The Science of Wellness Simplified



Simply send us your saliva and hair samples with our easy at-home Ruti Scan Kit. Our advanced bioenergetics technology measures your cell frequencies, pinpointing imbalances and outlining the next steps for your body's wellness.



Get a detailed analysis of the stress levels in your 14 core body systems, understand your food and environmental sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and toxin levels. All scans come with a free consultation to help you interpret your results.



Based on your unique biometrics, the technology generates a holistic protocol of remedies. This can include nutritional supplements, herbal tinctures, and homeopathic remedies—only what your body is ready for.


Buy a Scan

Simply send us your saliva and hair samples with our easy at-home Ruti Scan Kit. Our advanced bioenergetics technology measures your cell frequencies, pinpointing imbalances and outlining the next steps for your body's wellness.

Get the scan

Get Results

Get a detailed analysis of the stress levels in your 14 core body systems, understand your food and environmental sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and toxin levels. All scans come with a free consultation to help you interpret your results.

Get the scan


Based on your unique biometrics, the technology generates a holistic protocol of remedies. This can include nutritional supplements, herbal tinctures, and homeopathic remedies—only what your body is ready for.

Get the scan

A bio-individual
path to healing.


You know when something's off in your body. Unexplained symptoms, recurring health problems, and ongoing fatigue are all signs of imbalance.

The Ruti Scan gives you a comprehensive root cause analysis of your body’s state of health, what's happening beneath the surface, and what to do next to restore balance. Your body is unique. Your healing journey will be, too.


Find Your :

Environmental Sensitivities


Nutritional Imbalances




Root Cause Approach

Learn More See the science

Our friends who have had huge wins with their health.

Karissa P.

"When I found Ruti I was desperately looking for answers to chronic health symptoms. I had done so much testing prior and nothing could give me the full picture quite like Ruti did."

Adam E.

"With my first scan, Ruti defined precisely and with stunning specificity what over a dozen years and doctors, and tens of thousands of dollars of blood work, tests, scans, and doctor visits could not."

Samantha S.

"I have been so impressed with the success I’ve experienced with Ruti. I tried so many different things that only seemed to mask my symptoms or doctors who brushed them off as mild."

Okay, but what exactly is bioenergetic testing?

Okay, but what exactly is bioenergetic testing?

In the health realm, words like “frequency,” “resonate,” and “energy” can feel a little woo woo. But really, it’s just physics baby.

See the Science

No more guesswork.

Your health, your journey.

See a sample scan result

What is bioeneergetics?

Your health, your journey.

No more guesswork

See a sample scan result